Dear Teasley Families,


We are so excited for the 2024-2025 school year. Kate has a rising pre-k student and a rising 1st grader. Stephanie has a rising 5th grader and rising  1st grader. Our goal is to make this the best year yet. 


We are excited to welcome both new and returning families to the Teasley community. Whether you are new to our community or returning, the PTA, Parent Teacher Association, strives to provide many educational and memorable events for everyone at Teasley.  We have had so much success as a PTA through the years, but there is still so much more that we are excited to accomplish.


We are ready for an amazing year and we are asking you to become part of the Teasley PTA.  Please join us, Your membership counts!


As a group, we help promote student learning by providing funding for technology enhancements, curriculum-connected research e-tools, support school staff, act to unify our school community, and assist in efforts to solve school needs through coordinating events to provide funding.


The PTA offers parents, staff and members of the community an opportunity to help make Teasley Elementary the best school for our children. Anyone can join the PTA, and all are welcome to attend the monthly PTA meetings. These meetings are informative and outline what the PTA has planned and allow for an exchange of ideas. We are eager to hear your ideas and suggestions and to act as your representatives to the school Administration.


Our primary objective as the PTA is to provide our school with funds, programs, resources, and services that enrich and maximize the education of every child and benefit the school and teachers.


Stay connected.... Click HERE to join the 2024-2025 PTA!!  We strive for 100% membership in our community!


We look forward to working together to continue to achieve our common goal of fostering a thriving, supportive and inclusive Teasley community. Whether you do this by giving time or just by simply joining PTA and seeing what multitude of enhancements your membership dues go towards to improve our children’s educational experience.

If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas at any point during the year, please do not hesitate to reach out at


Thank you in advance, for your support and being a part of the Teasley PTA!  Together we are Changing the World!


Kate Harrell and Stephanie Slagle

PTA Co-Presidents


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