Navigating this new world of Virtual Learning can be challenging at times for all of us.  We will update this page with any and all information we find that can help you and your student succeed and thrive while learning remotely.  If you have a tip or trick you would like to share, email us @!




  • According to AL-Inclusive Therapy Services, there are many small adjustments to your student's Virtual Learning space and seating arrangements that can make a world of difference.  They have also provided an number of interactive ideas for Brain Breaks!  Click HERE to see their illustrated manual.


  • These tips come from some of our fellow Teasley Families that have shared what they have learned so far....
Create a Designated Workspace - To put your child in the right mindset workspace makes an enormous difference. Students need to feel like they are in a learning environment.
Create a Schedule - In addition to the schedule set of by your child’s teacher, your child should have a routine to successfully manage
their time in-order to stay on track. Post the school’s
schedule and your home routine schedule in a place that is
visible for your child.

Familiarize yourself with CTLS and other learning platforms used by your teacher - Parents should be familiar with the online resources being used by their child to better understand what learning looks like to the student and how you can successfully provide support.

Communicate with your teachers! - This may sound obvious but with all the different platforms out there, make sure you know which one your teacher would prefer you use.  Keeping the channel of communication open with your teacher will ensure your overall success with Virtual Learning.   Make sure to download the CTLS PARENT app as it will be your primary point of communication with the teachers and the school.
Hold your child accountable - Encourage your student to assume more responsibility and accountability. As they navigate between classes on CTLS, try to just observe rather than doing it for them. The more responsible your child becomes the less they will require your support and they can problem solve on their own.  
Give your child (and yourself) GRACE - This is all new territory and we are in this together.  We all make mistakes but just take a breath and realize tomorrow is a new day.  We will make it through this!!

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